Friday, September 23, 2011

Highlights of September 23

Highlights of September 23 on PhotoPeach

We had the privilege of having Mrs. Lou Hixson, of Bath, and her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Allison, from Fowlerville, in our classroom today to talk to us about Constitution Week. Mrs. Hixson is a Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR) and very knowledgeable about our country’s early history. They shared artifacts and examples of games and toys that children during the Revolutionary War period would have played with. Students learned that the Constitution is the “law of the land.”

We also studied the tomato plant this week as part of our study of plant parts and functions. Students researched fun facts and nutritional information of the tomato for their Learning Log and drew a diagram of the plant, labeling the plant parts. My plan is to focus on one species of edible plant each month with a unit called “Plants On My Plate”.

Redirecting inappropriate behaviors in the classroom is stealing important minutes of classroom instruction and student learning. Please work with your child at home to reinforce the PRIDE words of patience, respect, inclusiveness, and determination.

The slide show this week includes photos of our First Grade Buddies and practicing reading fluency, our Constitution Day guests, and studying the tomato plant.

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