Monday, February 29, 2016

Art and Literacy Night

Note Cards made by students in Room 210! (pack of 10)
On Tuesday, March 1, Bath Elementary will host the annual Art and Literacy Night.  This year the theme will center around the seven habits from the "Leader In Me".  Families will be able to go to various literacy stations and participate in activities around the habits. The PTA will hold its annual Silent Auction where student art work will be auctioned off. Students in Room 210 made note cards with greetings such as "Thank You", "Get Well", and "Happy Birthday".  There are three sets of cards to bid on.  Something new for Third Grade this year is serving food.  As a fundraiser for the Voyageur Encampment in May, the Third Grade team will provide a tasty meal for your family.  For $3.00 you can get a shredded pork sandwich or hot dog, bag of chips, a dill pickle, and bottle of water.  For $1.50 you can choose from an Eric Carle cupcake or a large cookie. If you would like to have a meal but need assistance, you can get a meal voucher.  Please let me know or your child can let Mrs. Mulford or Mr. Louks know on Tuesday.  Hope to see you at Art and Literacy Night on Tuesday, 5:30-7:00 PM!

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