Saturday, June 2, 2012

Last Week of Third Grade!

It’s hard to believe, but it’s the last week of Third Grade!  Some important events to include on your calendar are listed below:

MONDAY – Field Days in the afternoon.  Please have your child bring a water bottle, wear a blue shirt and wear a bathing suit under their clothing.  Mr. Saylor is having a Slip ‘n Slide as part of the activities for the day.  Also, a lunch of hot dogs, chips, and apple slices is being provided—no need to bring a sack lunch!

TUESDAY – Assessment in math on Chapter 12 – Two-Dimensional Shapes.  Your child has been learning about lines, line segments, angles, plane shapes, polygons, quadrilaterals, etc.  You can find lots of activities on-line to help reinforce what is being learned in the classroom.

WEDNESDAY – We will do some End-of-Year reflections, and clean out lockers and desks.  School is dismissed at 2:15 PM.

THURSDAY – Fine Arts Day.  School is dismissed at 12:05 PM.

FRIDAYLAST DAY OF THIRD GRADE!  We will have an Ice Cream Party to celebrate mastering multiplication facts.  Report cards will be sent home with your child.  School is dismissed at 12:05.

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