Monday, May 30, 2016

New Reasons To Get Kids Outdoors

The case has been made for decades that kids need to spend time outdoors. The benefits are many– exercise, play, and learning about nature. But for years, everyone from parents to doctors to nature enthusiasts have been concerned kids aren’t getting outside as much as they should be. Now there’s a growing body of scientific evidence to support their cause. Research is showing that going outdoors more often prevents obesity, reduces symptoms of ADHD, and may even stimulate learning. For this month’s Environmental Outlook: some creative ways to get kids outside and why it’s good for the environment. 

Below is a link to an outdoor program for 4th grade students. As you make plans for the summer you might want to consider visiting a state or national park. What a memory to be a Junior Ranger at Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore.

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